

5月14日 休講期間の高校生連絡事項~勉強塾オア・シス「長沼校」~
















高校生英語課題5月14日用 ←印刷の方はこちらから

高校生英語 休講期間中の課題⑱~5月14日用~

 I am a ※brain ※surgeon. I am always thinking about the human brain. Today I would like to ※discuss some things about it. The brain works in interesting ways in people’s daily activities, especially in sports.
 We often hear that people need to practice hard to be good at sports. This is certainly true. ※Generally, practice helps improve technique and ※increases ※physical ※strength. People learn important skills in practice. Then they ※apply those skills in ※competitions. ※Whether they win or lose often ※depends on two things: how much they want to ※succeed and how they use their heads in the competitions.
 I often ※have chances to give advice to ※athletes in various sports. I am going to explain here some of that advice.
 Do you know the ※phrase “in the ※zone”? When you are in the zone in a game, you are able to show your full ※ability. You are ※concentrating only on that ※exact moment in the competition. I once talked to the figure ※skater Hanyu Yuzuru about the “in the zone” ※concept.
 How are great athletes able to get into their zones? The answer is ※basic practice and ※repetition. When you ※repeat the same action enough times, your body begins to move ※on its own. You ※no longer need to think about what you are doing. This is one of the keys to ※victory.
 Professional athletes play their best when they get into their zones. Then they ※achieve their highest levels of concentration. They are only able to do this after ※thousands of hours of repeated practice.
 Next, let’s ※consider the case of team sports. In order for a team to be strong, all of its players need to think as one. They need to understand how their ※teammates feel at all times, consider those feelings , and listen well.
 Think about this next example. In an important match, your teammate tells you to do something. You think, however, that it is a bad idea. In such a case, it is best to accept the idea with respect and ※appreciation. When team members do this enough, they ※come to understand ※each other better. An ※attitude of ※cooperation spreads through the team. The team begins to play like one.
 In soccer, passing quickly is very important, and this is only possible with good teamwork. I once gave this advice to the coach of Nadeshiko Japan, Japan’s women’s soccer team.
 Next, let’s think about the use of the brain in daily life. Here is one
important thing: people should not think too much about the finish line. I
once gave this advice to the ※swimmer Kitajima Kosuke. Take a look at
※Figure 1. When people think their finish line close, their brains do not
※function as well as possible.

0514 figure1

 Sometimes a ※desired ※goal is quite large. In that case, it is better to
think of it as a series of small goals. Large ※final goals often ※seem hard
to achieve. The brain ※reacts ※negatively to such difficult tasks. The
brain reacts very ※positively, though, when people think of only small tasks.
When they do this, it often becomes possible to achieve even very final goals.


brain 脳   surgeon 外科医   discuss 論じる、討論する

generally 一般に   increase 増やす、増える  physical 体(物質)の

strength 強さ、強度   apply 応用(適用)する   competition 競技、試合

whether ~ or … 接:~するか・・・するかどうか

depend on ~ ~に依存する(左右される)  succeed 成功する
have a [the] chance [have chances] to do ~する機会がある

athlete 運動選手   phrase 言い回し、決まり文句   zone 地帯、ゾーン

ability 能力   concentrate 集中する   concentration on ~ ~に専念する

exact ちょうどの   skater スケーター   concept 考え
basic 基礎の、基本的な   repetition 繰り返し、反復    repeat 繰り返す

on one’s own 自分で   no longer もはや…しないで   victory 勝利

achieve 成し遂げる、達する  thousands of ~ 数千の

consider 考える   teammate チームメイト   appreciation 評価、感謝

come to do ~(するよう)になる  each other お互いに

attitude 態度、心構え   cooperation 協力、協調性   swimmer 水泳選手

figure 形、図、数字   function 動:働く、名:機能   desired 望ましい

goal 目標   think of ~ as … ~を・・・とみなす   final 最終の

seem C C(補語)に見える   react 反応する react to ~に反応する

negatively 否定的に、消極的に    positively 積極的に


Q1 What is said to be necessary to be a good athlete?


Q2 When do people learn important skills in sports?


Q3 What is needed for athletes to get into their zones?


Q4 What do athletes need to do to be able to focus mentally in their zones?


Q5 What should you do when you don’t agree with your teammate in an important match?


Q6 What does good teamwork enable a soccer team to do?

 ※enable A to do  Aがdoすることを可能にする。


Q7 Why is it not good for people to be too aware of their finish line?


Q8 How does the brain react to a series of small tasks?


Q9 Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word to complete the summary.
 The human brain works in interesting ways. When we play sports, our technique (① ). After long hours of (② ), we are able to get “in the zone.” When we are in the zone, we are able to show our full (③ ). We are (④ ) only on the game. This is one of the (⑤ ) to victory. In team sports, we learn how to understand our teammates. It is best to (⑥ ) each other’s ideas with respect and (⑦ ). The team begins to (⑧ ) more. In daily life, our brains work best when we think about a large goal as a series of small goals. When we think our finish line close, the brain reacts (⑨ ). It is possible to (⑩ ) any goal if you use your head.


[ ability / accept / achieve / appreciation / concentrating /

cooperate / improves / keys / negatively / positively / practice ]


①[           ]  ②[           ]

③[           ]  ④[           ]

⑤[           ]  ⑥[           ]
⑦[           ]  ⑧[           ]

⑨[           ]  ⑩[           ]


















