

5月1日 休講期間の高校生連絡事項~勉強塾オア・シス「長沼校」~




















高校数学Ⅰ課題⑤ 5月1日(金)←印刷はこちらから

高校数学Ⅰ課題⑤ 5月1日(金)分 集合①









高校生英語 休講期間中の課題⑬~5月1日用~

 Ryoji Sato was born in a small town in Gifu in 1929. He was the youngest child in a family of three children. When he was three, his mother died at the age of 33. After that his father raised the children ※by himself. In such a difficult situation, Ryoji’s father always said: “Work to ※contribute to society and make people happy even if you have to dress in ※rags.”  These words were ※engraved in their minds.
 In 1945, Ryoji got a job at ※Japanese National Railways. He became a ※bus conductor in 1953. When his father died in 1961, Ryoji thought deeply about the real meaning of his father’s words, and around this time, he had a ※life-changing ※experience.
 The government began planning to build a ※rock-fill dam in the ※Sho-gawa River in Gifu in 1952. In 1960, the huge dam was completed. Unfortunately, 360 small villages were going to be under water because of the government’s dam project. ※In addition, two 400-year-old cherry trees faced the same ※fate. However, many of the people who were ※displaced from the small villages wanted to save them. A large-scale tree transplanting was ※conducted ※successfully.
 Three springs after the dam’s ※construction, the villagers got together and enjoyed seeing the cherry trees in full ※bloom. At the party, an ※elderly woman suddenly started to stroke one of the trees ※gently and cried aloud ※with joy. Ryoji was there. The trees made their ※reunion possible. Ryoji ※realized that these cherry trees surely ※connected people and brought peace to the villagers.
 In the spring of 1966, Ryoji planted a cherry tree at the office where he worked in Nagoya. Ryoji had a dream to plant cherry trees along the ※entire length of the road from Nagoya to Kanazawa. ※Whenever he had time, he planted cherry trees. In 1971 he got cancer. ※Despite his ※serious ※illness, he continued planting them. In 1976, his life ended at the young age of 47. He planted over 2,000 trees.
 A 250-kilometer ※ultra-marathon is held every spring to ※honor Ryoji’s dream of peace. It is called the Sakuramichi International Nature Run. The ※participants run under the blooming cherry blossoms. These trees represent a ※Milky Way on Earth as a ※symbol for peace across the world.


by oneself:ひとりだけで、自分で   contribute:貢献(寄付)する

contribute to ~:~に貢献(寄付)する   rag(s):ぼろ(服)

engrave(d):感銘させる   national:国家の   railway:鉄道
Japanese National Railways:日本国有鉄道(日本の国が経営していた鉄道事業)

conductor:案内人、車掌   bus conductor:バスの車掌

life-changing:人生が変わる(一転する)ような    experience:経験
rock-fill dam:ロックフィルダム(岩石や土砂を積み上げて建設されたダム)
Sho-gawa River:庄川(岐阜県と富山県を流れる一級河川)

in addition:さらに、加えるに    addition:追加、足し算

fate:運命、宿命    displace:移す、強制退去させる

conduct:処理する、指揮する   successfully:うまく、幸運に(も)

construction:建設    bloom:花、開花

elderly:かなり年配の、初老の   gently:優しく、穏やかに

with joy:喜んで    reunion:再会    realize:理解する

connect:つなぐ    entire:全部の

whenever:…する時にはいつでも(必ず)    despite:…にもかかわらず

serious:思い、真剣な   illness:病気    ultra-:極端な、超

marathon:マラソン    honor:名誉を与える    participant:参加者
Milky Way:天の川、銀河    symbol:象徴


Q1 What did Ryoji’s father expect his children to do?
Q2 What did Ryoji think deeply about when his father died in 1961?
Q3 Why were the small villages going to be under water?
Q4 What was done to save the old cherry trees?
Q5 What did the cherry trees make possible for the villagers?
Q6 What was Ryoji’s dream?
Q7 What did Ryoji do whenever he had time?
Q8 What do the cherry trees represent?
Q9 Find the words with the following definitions in the textbook. ※definition:定義
①give money, time, or assistance to help achieve something

→[             ]

②the things that will happen to people, seen outside their control

→[             ]

③show that someone is respected and admired

→[             ]
Q10 Fill in the blanks to make a summary of the text. The first letter in each blank is written for you.
 Have you ever heard of the Sakuramichi International Nature Run? It is held every spring to honor Ryoji Sato.
 Ryoji was born in Gifu in 1929. His mother died when he was only three. His father (① r    ) three children by himself. In 1945, Ryoji got a job at Japanese National Railways and became a bus (② c    ) in 1953. After his father’s (③ d    ) in 1961, Ryoji thought deeply about the real (④ m    ) of his father’s words: “Work to contribute to society and make people happy even if you have to dress in rags.”
 One day, at a party for the people who were (⑤ d    ) from their villages because of the dam construction in the Sho-gawa River, Ryoji realized that the cherry trees (⑥ c    ) the villagers and brought peace to them. Then he started to (⑦ p    ) cherry trees in 1966. Ryoji’s dream was to plant cherry trees along the entire (⑧ l    ) of the road from Nagoya to Kanazawa. Sadly Ryoji died of cancer in 1976.
 Now a 250-km marathon is held to honor him The (⑨ p    ) of the marathon run under the blooming cherry blossoms.








