

4月21日 休講期間の高校生連絡事項~勉強塾オア・シス「長沼校」~



























高校数学Ⅰ課題② 4月21日 ←印刷の方はこちらから


高校数学Ⅰ課題② 4月21日(火)分 因数分解 画像



高校英語課題⑦4月21日 ←印刷の方はこちらから


高校生英語 休講期間中の課題⑦~4月21日用~


When Koichi Wakata was five years old, ※Apollo 11 landed on the moon. He ※dreamed of becoming an ※astronaut. Twenty-seven years later, he ※made his first trip into space.

Every time I go into space, I discover my love for the earth. I have been in space on the International Space Station (ISS) three times. It ※goes around the earth 400 kilometers above us. It ※takes 90 minutes to fly around the earth. For 45 minutes you see the day ※view, and then in the next 45 minutes you see the night view. It is very dark at night. The stars are shining, and the ※Milky Way ※stretches ※on and on. Our blue ※planet Earth looks like an ※oasis in the ※vastness of space.

You can see ※images of the earth from space on TV and computers. But those images are very different from the real view of the earth from space. You can clearly see the oceans, the clouds, the mountains, and the rivers. You can even ※identify Japan by its shape. I feel so lucky to have a beautiful home planet.

Astronauts from different countries eat together every day. That gives us the chance to enjoy many different space foods, but eating ※without the help of ※gravity is a problem. When you eat senbei, you must be careful because it flies everywhere. When you eat soup, you must use a ※straw.

In space, you cannot ※take a bath; you simply ※wipe your body with a cloth. You sleep in your own room, but it is very small. ※All in all, life in space is very ※comfortable.

We are very busy with ※scientific ※experiments. However, we also have time for some other experiments. I tried ※arm wrestling with a Canadian astronaut. ※To our surprise, both our bodies started to ※spin around. In another experiment, I tried writing with a ※brush. I used too much ink, but it didn’t ※drip. My favorite experiment was the “magic carpet.” I put tape on my feet to ※stick to a carpet. It ※worked like magic. I was flying in space!

In 2013, I was on the ISS for my third time. I was asked to be the ※commander of the ISS. As commander, my job was to ※see that we all lived ※in peace. There were astronauts from America, Russia, and ※Latvia. There was also ※Kirobo, the Japanese-speaking ※robot. We all had to work together, talk together, and live in a very ※crowded space for 188 days. I had only one rule—we had to have dinner together as much as ※possible. It was an important time to feel ※relaxed and to talk about the day’s work and ※training.

One final word. Going into space is a ※frightening experience. There are many dangers. You may wonder why I go into space. I do it because it is a ※challenge and because it is important for ※humanity. Astronauts from around the world are working together. Through this experience, I have ※come to ※believe in our common humanity as ※citizens of the earth. Remember that each one of us is a ※crew member of ※Spaceship Earth.


Apollo アポロ(宇宙船の名前)  dream of V-ing Vしたいと思う(望む)

astronaut 宇宙飛行士     make a trip 旅行に行く

go around ~ 回っていく、歩き回る  … take + 時間 + to ~ ~に 時間かかる

view 景色     Milky Way 天の川、銀河     stretch 伸びる、続く

on and on 引き続き、休まずに   planet 惑星
oasis オアシス、憩いの場所   vastness 広大(さ)、(複数形で)広大は広がり

image 像、映像、画像    identify 確認する、見分ける

without the help of ~ ~の助けなしで   gravity 重大さ、重力

straw わら、ストロー    take a bath 入浴する(お風呂に入る)

wipe ぬぐう、ふく     all in all 概して(言えば) 、大体において

comfortable 快適な、気持ちの良い     scientific 科学的な、科学の

experiment 実験     arm wrestling 腕相撲

to one’s surprise 驚いたことには     spin (急速にくるくる)まわる

brush 筆    drip したたる、たらす    stick くっつく、棒

work 機能する   commander 司令官、船長
see (to it) that ~ ~となるように取り計らう

in peace 安心して、平和(無事)に    Latvia ラトビア(国名)
kirobo キロボ(ロボットの名前)   robot ロボット

crowded 込み合った(て)    possible 可能な
relaxed リラックスした、くつろいだ     training 訓練

frightening ぎょっとさせる、驚くべき     challenge チャレンジ、挑戦

humanity 人間性、人類    come to ~ ~になる(達する)
believe in ~ ~を信じる   citizen 市民、国民

crew 乗務員、仲間       spaceship 宇宙船


Q1 What does the earth look like from space?


Q2 Why does Koichi Wakata feel lucky?


Q3 How do the astronauts eat soup in the ISS?


Q4 When the astronauts tried arm wrestling, what happened?


Q5 What was Wakata’s favorite experiment?


Q6 Who was the commander of the ISS?


Q7 The commander had only one rule. What was it?


Q8 Why does Wakata go into space?


Q9 Answer the following questions by choosing (a), (b) or (c).


① Wakata goes into space because
a. there are many dangers. b. life in space is very comfortable.
c. it is a challenge, and it is also important for humanity.


② Because there were people from different countries on the ISS,
a. everyone had to sleep in the same room.
b. all the astronauts ate dinner by themselves.
c. they had the chance to enjoy many different space foods.


③ Which of the following experiments did Wakata not do?
a. Cooking an egg. b. Writing with a brush. c. Flying on a magic carpet.


Q10 Complete the summary by filling in the blanks.
Astronaut Koichi Wakata has been in space on the International Space Station (ISS) ( 1 ) times. Astronauts from different countries live together and do experiments. There are problems in space, but Wakata feels that life is very ( 2 ). In 2013, Wakata was the ( 3 ) of the ISS. He had only one rule: the crew had to eat dinner together. Going into space can be ( 4 ), but Wakata likes the challenge. He asks us to remember that we are all crew members of Spaceship ( 5 ).








